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Qingdao Aikson Machinery CO,. LTD.

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Fish sorting machine

Model: CWS-P-6

Tray size: L:410mm W:108mm H:50mm

Sorting grading: 6 grading

Sorting range: 5-1000g

Sorting accuracy: ±1%g

Minimum scale: 0.1 g

Sorting speed: 200times/ minute

Detection product limit: length 400 mm, width 100 mm, height 3-80 mm

Mode of operation: touch operation

Operation interface: 7 inch (Or 10 inch) touch screen

  • Product Detail
  • fish sorting machine

The fish sorting machine accurately weighs the weight of fish through online dynamic weighing, and classifies fish. There is no limit to the variety of fish, and it can be adapted to the length of a better fish. The size of the box is: length: 41.3cm, width 11cm, suitable for sorting slender fish such as saury, yellow croaker, and Spanish mackerel.

The fish sorting machine automatically grades, grades and exports the cumulative weight and quantity functions. Additional auxiliary functions can be added to enable customers to simplify their work better. For example, the classification outlet has a pneumatic device to control the quantity. When the cumulative amount reaches the set value, the pneumatic outlet is closed.

The touch screen can completely display production data such as production quantity, total weight, and effective weight, which is convenient for classification.



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