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NewsTrade News

Frozen fish exports from all countries in 2018

Global sales of frozen fish exports from countries totaled $25.4 billion in 2018, with the entire frozen fish being the main export commodity.

Overall, frozen fish exports from all exporting countries increased by an average of 9.2% since the shipment of frozen fish reached $23.3 billion in 2014. From 2017 to 2018, global frozen fish exports increased by 4.9% year-on-year.
Among all continents, frozen fish exported by European countries in 2018 has the highest export value, with shipments of US$8.5 billion, accounting for about one-third (33.3%) of the global total. This is followed by Asian exporters, accounting for 31.7%, followed by Latin America (10.3%), excluding Mexico and then North America (9.8%). Africa accounted for (7.8%) and Oceania (5%), with Oceania headed by New Zealand and Papua New Guinea exports.

So which countries are the top 14 exporters of frozen fish in 2018

1, China: 2.9 billion US dollars accounted for 11.3%
2, Russia: 2.6 billion US dollars accounted for 10.1%
3, the United States: 2 billion US dollars accounted for 8%
4, Chile: 1.8 billion US dollars accounted for 7.2%
5, Norway: 1.4 billion US dollars accounted for 5.3%
6, the Netherlands: 1 billion US dollars accounted for 4.1%
7, Spain: 935.8 million US dollars accounted for 3.7%
8, India: 700.1 million US dollars accounted for 2.8%
9, South Korea: 681.6 million US dollars accounted for 2.7%
10, Japan: 624.1 million US dollars accounted for 2.5%
11, Denmark: 481.7 million US dollars accounted for 1.9%
12, Greenland: $4.817 billion, accounting for 1.8%
13, Mauritania: $392.6 million, accounting for 1.5%
14, Iceland: 391.8 million US dollars accounted for 1.5%

The data comes from the Internet, please understand if there is an error.



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