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The working principle of the thawing machine

The working principle of the thawing machine: This thawing machine is mainly used for continuous thawing of frozen fish, meat and divided poultry meat. The fish meat thawing machine utilizes the principle that the frozen product floats and the product sinks after thawing. And uses the design of conveying and discharging at the bottom to achieve continuous production line operation.  The thawing machine is equipped with an auxiliary water tank, and the auxiliary water tank is equipped with a filter screen device. The water can be filtered and reused for many times. It is equipped with a steam pipe heating device to control the water temperature at a suitable temperature, and the filtered water is circulated through the circulating pump…

  • Product Detail

The working principle of the thawing machine:

This thawing machine is mainly used for continuous thawing of frozen fish, meat and divided poultry meat. The fish meat thawing machine utilizes the principle that the frozen product floats and the product sinks after thawing. And uses the design of conveying and discharging at the bottom to achieve continuous production line operation. 

The thawing machine is equipped with an auxiliary water tank, and the auxiliary water tank is equipped with a filter screen device. The water can be filtered and reused for many times. It is equipped with a steam pipe heating device to control the water temperature at a suitable temperature, and the filtered water is circulated through the circulating pump to thaw.

In the tank, a cycle is formed to balance the water temperature to achieve the ideal thawing effect. In order to ensure that the product is thawed evenly, this machine adopts a vortex air pump to turn the waves, and uses the expansion force of the bubbles to contact the product to thaw. The entire assembly line can operate continuously, saving labor and reducing labor. The products are all made of stainless steel and meet food safety requirements.

The thawing machine produced by our company can be customized according to customer requirements. There is a circulation system inside the equipment to control the thawing effect and time of the product. It can be connected to a heating system, mainly steam. It can be equipped with continuous automatic halogenation line and live assembly line operation.



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