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Work flow of weight sorting equipment

The weight sorting equipment is the name of a class of equipment: according to different needs, there should be different models or completely different equipment in appearance and size. For example, food factories use “weight sorting equipment” to sort the packaged foods according to their weight, and use “weight sorting equipment” to automatically classify fish and shrimp unit weights within a certain range when purchasing aquatic products.

Work flow of weight sorting machine 1: Front-end conveying section
The object to be measured is transferred to the weighing section, on the one hand, an initial speed is given to the object, so that it reaches stability faster after entering the weighing section; on the other hand, the front-end material is isolated and damped to ensure measurement accuracy.

Work flow of weight sorting machine: weighing platform
This part is a very critical part of the entire mechanical system, and its structural design and installation accuracy directly affect the measurement accuracy of the system. It is composed of conveying motor, photoelectric monitoring part and weighing sensor, which can complete dynamic weighing of objects with high precision.



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